Yes it was fantastic! And not so naughty actually Simon :-). It was a more an artistic performance.
For all my non-norwegian readers, this naughty-comment might need an explanation: This novel was forbidden when it came out in 1956, due to its many sex-scenes... Its written by the norwegian author Agnar Mykle, and here he writes about a 23-year old boy, Ask Burlefot (its not a common norwegian name...), that lives his student life studying economics and having different sexual relationships. And when "The Song of the Red Ruby" came out, no norwegian writer had described in such detail the sexual act, but more important; saying out loud that people have sexual relations outside of marriage.
Yes, not so very shocking today, but 50 years ago it was! (At least in Norway it was). A lawsuit started against Mykle. (I dont know the english name of this paragraph that formerly existed in the Norwegian law system, which he was charged by, but in norwegian it was called: "Utuktsparagrafen" Whats "Utukt" in english anyone? hehe.. ), He was disfavored at first, but got free of charge in Supreme Court later that following year. While the book was still forbidden in Norway, people had to go to Sweden where it actually was legal, to buy it. Lots of people did, and hid it under their bed sheets at night!
The theatre show, that I saw yesterday however, was a mixture of an artistic dance performance together with acting and dialog. The scenery was modern with few props, and the music was mysterious, and wonderful! (Anne Grete Preus - selvfølgelig blir det bra da!) The sex scenes was solved in a creative "modern" way.. So it was more like a dance, that an actual sex-act. The actor Mattis Herman Nyquist was however great in his role, and the female, Line Verndal in the role of "Embla", vas also ok, didnt notice anything bad nor fantastic, but yes she did her job. Embla is the girl that Ask finally fall in love with among all the other women.
The facinating thing about this novel is that its not just about the sex. Ask finds his true love at last, "his ruby", and this is really what he is longing for the entire time. But sadly, even though he marries his love at the end, he finds out that she doesn´t see their love as deep as he do. Therefor he concludes: "Love is a lonely thing".
Although, I did think that it got a little to artistic at times, and I could wish that it was adapted more to our modern society today (it still had a little bit of that 50´s feeling), I do think that it was a great performance. It was worth the ticket. (But I got it for free, juhu! Press privilege...) ;-)
I like the sound of this, and it´s such a relief that it wasn´t that naughty. Seems like you´re enjoying many shows these days, and I would be shocked if you attended dirty ones. I´m glad this one was better than the Indian Opera. ;-)
By the way, If you want more "Mykle", you should listen to this cute little song:
I´m sure you´ve heard it before. :-)
*hihi* :-D
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