Tittle in english: Naivly depended on the (social) media?
(About a case going on in Norway since 13. January, starting with that a
girl under the name "Maria Amelie" was arrested as an illegal imigrant
in Norway, and now will have to leave the country. Her parents brought
her here from Russia as a child. People demonstrated against the
deportation, but now the debate is dealing with: "but what about the
others?") Read more about this in english here: The Foreigner, Norwegian news in English
Ja, jeg støttet henne. Skrev kanskje til og med en
melding eller to om det på Facebook. Medlem av støttegruppa jeg fikk
tilsendt ble jeg i alle fall. Og jeg sendte den også videre. Mine første
tanker om at dette er grusomt, det skrev jeg også.