30 Apr 2010

Working day

There was a student demonstration in Baku today. I was there with Emin Hoseinov from Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS). More than 100 students were arrested by the police.

Yesterday I was at NATOs 61-years jubileeum (since its establisement) with the norwegian ambassador Jon Ramberg, and there I made many other inportant contacts.


Simon said...

Wow! Du ser jo ut som om du er skikkelig rutinert. Hehe! Meget kledelig den vesten, og et fint og praktisk G11-kamera. :-)


Linn said...

Hehe vesten måtte til! (Så jeg ikke skulle bli tatt for å være demonstrant) Meg og min G11 er blitt bestevenner Simon! :-D